Pfunky Griddle Experience

A few weeks ago I went to the Pfunky Griddle in Nashville. It was a completely bizarre experience! When you walk in the small house like restaurant you are seated at a table with a griddle in the middle of the table and you see people cooking and flipping their own pancakes, potatoes, etc. At first I was super pumped! What a creative and fun hands-on dining experience!But the more I thought about it I started feeling like a fool. Basically, I am paying for people to bring me food to cook myself? I can do this at home! My mind kept going back and forth thinking this place was either genius or the dumbest idea ever. Not sure, but either way it was an interesting experience. I think I would go back even though my mind is still conflicted about how I feel about the concept. Then I started thinking how much the Pfunky Griddle is how I do youth ministry. I feel like most churches have a set meal plan and a certain way to prepare the gospel in order to know "how many people are s...