Born to Be a Mom?
I saw a Mother's Day card at the store with the title, "Born to be a Mother." I didn't read the rest but my thoughts couldn't help but be alarmed. This presumes that some women's entire purpose for existing is to be a mom. I love being a mom, but it is not the core of who I am. It is not the reason I was born. I think way too many mom's put their complete identity in being a mom. It's hard not to when you think of your kid constantly, and the moment you take one minute for yourself your child is reminding you why he is the center of the world. Most woman absolutely love to feel needed and having kids do fulfill this desire. Being a mom makes me feel incredibly important, valued, and loved. Whenever, I pick my son up from daycare he rushes to greet me which is the biggest high knowing I am one of his favorite people in the world! I absolutely love and cherish the gift of being a mother! However, it is essential for women to understand their worth