Living Vulnerably
I will never forget the time I thought I completely failed during a job interview. It was more than a job, it was a leadership position on the Barnabas Team at Calvin College. A male and female Barnabas leader were assigned to a dorm to help other residents grow spiritually. Barnabas leaders were responsible for living their lives vulnerably reflecting Christ to others. I remember walking in for the interview to a room with two other candidates and a table full of college employees in charge of the Barnabas program. This unique style interview was set up in a way where those in charge got to watch us interact with other candidates for the position. I specifically remember one of the instructions was, "Find out from one another what each person's testimony is." I jumped to conclusions in my head that this was the time we were suppose to share our testimony with everyone in the room. I jumped at the chance to show the leaders I had a great story and wasn't afraid to s...