
Showing posts from March, 2017

Lord, Hear Our Prayer: Two Perspectives on Young Believers

A  man in his late fifties, a church elder, kneels to pray:  Dear Lord, Forgive the youth and the so called "Christian Left" for twisting your gospel Lord! Forgive them for leaving the church because they don't want to hear messages about their own sin and don't like the truths presented. They can't seem to handle real truth any more. They are twisting the gospel and replacing it with a watered down message of tolerating everyone. Forgive them for minimizing sin, hell, repentance and transformation.Forgive them for losing touch with the Bible by cherry picking only verses they like. They have no real appreciation for Your Word and interpret how they want. Forgive them for listening to liberal media and other false prophets pushing a liberal agenda.  Forgive them for buying into theological falsehoods like abortion and homosexuality are just fine with you. Forgive the them for dismissing old hymns that focus on God's transforming salvation, love, and mercy ...