
Life is full of frustrations, agony, and pain
Life is confusing, distaining, full of failure with nothing to gain
I strive, I yearn
I fall, I learn
So far from perfect, so far from pure
On my own I search for some kind of cure
The bitter agony of life churns inside
Fear drives me to run, guilt causes me to hide
Sick and screwed up indeed
So deep in failure, I can’t fulfill my empty need

What about the good things have I forgotten?
Am I so distraught and rotten?
What about all my accomplishments, joy, and love?
What about these good things I have to be thankful of?
I give to the needy! I try to help the poor!
To feel better about who I am sometimes I give more
These things make me feel good, I pat myself on the back
But such things don’t sustain for long
There is something  deeper I lack

Helping to feed the hungry was a good start
But I seemed to have forgotten about their empty heart
I am so tainted, and so unclean
None of these good things will ever be seen

So what should I do? How should I do good?
There’s nothing I can, and nothing I ever could
For I am so corrupt, good things won’t get me by
I am an unworthy creature that deserves to die

This harsh truth is tough to take in
Thanks be to God, Jesus saved me from my sin
In Him I have hope, goodness, and light
Only through Him I have a chance to do what’s right.

Apart from God I do no good thing
Apart from Him I am nothing
Left to wander, left in despair
Left in my selfish worthless care

This Thanksgiving I will thank my King
He saved me from hell, and took me under His wing
I will stay close, I will never leave my King
Because apart from Him, I do no good thing.


  1. sami i love this - who knew you were such a good poet?
    missing you and hoping you are doing well as we get crazy busy with the Christmas - i am sure you are back for Christmas sometime - let me know - we should try to catch up!

  2. Sam, That is beautiful. The holidays can be hard even when they shouldn't be. I know I have so much to be thankful for, but I can't help but miss my family. We get so stressed over making it perfect & it shouldn't be about the food or the presents. Your poem is beautiful!!

  3. Sami, So beautiful and touching. I can relate to this poem easily. It teases the soul to respond to it's yearnings. Am prayerfully thanking GOD for you Grandchild!!! g.b.



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