
Showing posts from September, 2011

Is There Such Thing as TMI? Umm... YES!!!!!!

My husband and I are preparing to have a baby in November so we decided it would be a good idea to take a birthing class. We signed up for a five week class called "New Beginnings" at Vanderbilt Hospital since that is where we will be delivering. I thought the class would talk about baby facts and would offer relaxation techniques to prepare you for birth. But first they feel the need to inform you of everything you will experience before, during, and after birth. The first class our teacher showed us exactly how the baby pushes through the pelvis as she literally shoved a baby doll through a fake pelvis while stretching the pelvis wide apart. It hurt just looking at it! I kept waking up in the middle of the night picturing a baby being shoved through a fake pelvis yelling... " TMI TMI TMI!!!!!" (Too much information). The second class was titled Relaxation and Breathing Techniques . "I am really looking forward to this class now that we are past the anatom...

Worshiping God Backwards

The sanctuary filled and everyone waited eagerly for the church bell to ring so we could start service lead by the youth. However, the church bell never rung and where was the praise band? At the traditional service folks whispered in confusion as they watched the acolyte put out the candles on the altar as he took the flame out of the sanctuary. Then the strangest thing happened... freshman, Hannah Maynard, asked everyone to rise and receive the benediction as she prayed for God to be with everyone as they left church today. There were many blank stares and puzzled looks as people were flipping through their bulletins trying to figure out what was happening. We then sang our closing worship song and some of the confusion was cleared up in the sermon by seniors Alli Dickey and Susan Crawford. Why on earth did we do the church service backwards? The message of our youth Sunday was to remind the congregation that worshiping God goes beyond a structured order of service at church. Wo...