Super Storm Sandy a Sign of End Times?
While I sit and watch the news, my heart breaks for those on the East Coast who have lost their homes or their lives from this devastating storm. I am in awe of those nurse heroes clutching on to newborn babies, while carrying them down flights of stairs in hospitals to get them to safety. I understand not everyone was able to evacuate for certain reasons. What I don't understand are those who decided to stay in their homes and "ride out" the storm. I don't understand why they didn't listen to officials who highly advised and warned people of the severe dangers approaching. Now some of these people are dead. Before the storm hit, I listened to a testimony of a man who said, "I'm a New Yorker! No storm is gonna take me down! Besides it's never as bad as they say."This man's pride and arrogance may have cost him his life or home by now. I don't know whatever happened to him. But his attitude infuriates me! The warnings were so obvious th...