Super Storm Sandy a Sign of End Times?

While I sit and watch the news, my heart breaks for those on the East Coast who have lost their homes or their lives from this devastating storm.  I am in awe of those nurse heroes clutching on to newborn babies, while carrying them down flights of stairs in hospitals to get them to safety. I understand not everyone was able to evacuate for certain reasons.

What I don't understand are those who decided to stay in their homes and "ride out" the storm. I don't understand why they didn't listen to officials who highly advised and warned people of the severe dangers approaching. Now some of these people are dead. Before the storm hit, I listened to a testimony of a man who said, "I'm a New Yorker! No storm is gonna take me down! Besides it's never as bad as they say."This man's pride and arrogance may have cost him his life or home by now. I don't know whatever happened to him. But his attitude infuriates me! The warnings were so obvious that this was going to be devastating. Why would he take that chance? I understand people don't want to leave their homes, but isn't your life more important than your home?

Yesterday, I listened to a sermon on Luke 21 where Jesus prophesies about end times. When I read about Jesus' warnings of what is going to happen (or has already started to happen depending on your theology of end times) it starts to terrify me. Everything we know and understand in this world is going to be destroyed. Fear of the unknown started to creep in my mind. This is a passage that I do not find comforting. However, through out the Bible God tells us DO NOT BE AFRAID.

All these horrible things are happening but we are not suppose to be afraid?! Are you out of your mind Lord? How do I do that?

I think the answer is to focus on the truth. Truth will set us free.

Truth is, just when disaster strikes and people are terrified we will see Jesus coming on a cloud with power and great glory. So when all these things begin to happen, stand and look up, for your salvation is near!” - Luke 21:27-28

Truth is, this generation will not pass from the scene until all these things have taken place. Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will never disappear. - Luke 21:32-33

Truth is, God loves the world so much that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in Christ will not perish but will have eternal life. - John 3:16

We truly do not need to fear. I wish I could say that I am totally fear free. But I can't help have this sense of fear from all the unknowns. Yet, I can hold tight to what I do know.  I know when all hell breaks lose, Christ will come back for me because I have completely trusted him with my life. Realistically, I have some fears. Yet I am not worried because the truth gives me peace. 

So I encourage you to listen to the warnings of destruction. This world will not last. Even if you don't believe in end times, your physical body will not last. When the storm hits, will you choose to ride it out even though you have no control over God's power or nature? Or will you listen and seek safety in a real relationship with Christ? A relationship with Christ is not about being afraid of hell or the end of days. God wants to give us life!!! He gives us a rescue boat but instead people choose to stay in their sinking house because they can't let go of what they know in the physical world.

And no I don't believe Super Storm Sandy is a sign of end times. The Bible says we don't know the day or time. Truth is, I just knew the title would get you to read my blog.


  1. Love the title and the blog!
    Trust in the Lord with all you are. Rejoice! Pray! Be READY!

  2. Do you usually take into account optimizing your blog posts for search systems?


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