Dear Grandma,
It still nearly takes my breathe away when I think about you being gone from this earth. Isn't it absurd how you can wait in dreaded expectation for death to come? But then it shows up and pulls the rug out from under you just when you are looking the other direction? Grandpa's health was such a rollercoaster over the past decade. We all had our eyes on him thinking he would be the first to leave us. I never imagined it would be Dad first, then you, then Grandpa following close behind. The loss of all of you is just overwhelming, yet sometimes I find beauty in the quiet moments when I hear your voice whisper wisdom to my soul. When I heard about the news of you suddenly going downhill, my heart shattered and the waterfall of despair came over me. Thank God for little ones. Briley came over to me in the midst of my heart-ache and said to me with confidence, " Have no fear. Have no fear. " She then got her children's Bible off the shelf and opened it on my lap a...